Pond construction
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No 1-trick pony here!

2 level 36,000 gallon Koi pond.
This is a 2 level 36,000 gallon Koi pond with Boulder fountain in the center. The client wanted to breed koi with a separate area for the babies to develop in. Biological filter system is hidden to the left of the waterfall in the trees. The filter system consists of 3 Aqua dine filters, 3, 3/4 hp pumps, 2 160w UV clarifiers and, 3 air-assisted bottom drains.
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Interior waterfall grotto
this was a prototype made from several different pieces of rock castings cut fit together combined with shaping and carving concrete to match. The structure is 6 feet on one wall 4 feet on the other and 7 feet tall to the top of the grotto with, an additional 12 inch tall piece to finish to the ceiling. Because of space constraints the lower basin was kept as small as possible. This unit is totally customizable where water could come out from the flower basin directly in front or the basin on the right side or from the top of the grotto. A mold was made of this in 3 pieces. This could be installed in your home for 12 to 25,000 depending on filtration and size of basin. this unit did not have fish in it. Ran for 15 years with no leaks whatsoever.
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Koi pond small private backyard.
Koi pond 14′ x 14′ x 4′ deep with blue stone patio and cast rock formations.
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Swim/koi pond and upper lily pond
9000 gallon Koi pond with custom rock outcroppings.
This pond was originally built as a Koi pond but, the whole family swims in it with the fish. There is a combination of mechanical/biological filtration system with UV clarifier and it is heated. The main lower pond is 16 x 22 x 5′ deep. The top pond is 6 x 9 x 18″ deep garden pond. Only fish and people in the lower pond, less maintenance that way. the bottom is smooth and tapered toward the bottom drain with, no gravel to hurt your feet or trap debris and bugs and stuff.
Retractable sections with rollers on tracks.
The bottom pond is 15′ x 15 x 5′ deep the top pond 10 x 10 x 18″ deep. The pond created a retaining wall to reverse the grade of water flow through the front yard. The track that the sections role on is 6 feet above original ground-level. We designed the tunnel structure to match the double French doors to match the opening on the end wall. all dimensions were drawn up by our pond guide and sent to the manufacturer and the structure was delivered by truck. First-time design install like all of these other projects. The 1st deck is 10 x 8 at the house and the deck directly behind is 16 x 16. All structures had to be squared with the house. Good thing we had practice building the dome home 24 years prior. There is running water to a sink and a 60 amp electrical panel. All work done in house except, an electrician took our wire and put it in the house main panel.
Waterfall pond foundation rebuild
This pond was completely remodeled from the top waterfall to the spitting frog.
Note that the water level of the pond is higher than the patio. they is a mixture of cast rock and natural rock. CAN, you pick out the fake boulders? The boulders bordering the patio are rock castings from natural boulders. they are cut on the ends to allow the water containment structure to pass through them. A crane was set up in the front of the house reaching to the back. By radio we communicated with the crane operator to lift each rock off to a staging area on the patio dangerously close to the house because, we need the space to work. after removing all the boulders we completely replaced the rubber pond liner. After the pond basin was rebuilt and secured with a proper foundation. We then had to crane come back to replace the rocks to this configuration. It’s quite tricky directing a crane operator that you don’t see to raise the boom lower the boom left or right all in reverse as to the way it needs to go. One slip, a 2000 pound rock would’ve gone through the house. Yes our pondgod was a nervous wreck that day. ’twas the 1st time he did that. All of these examples are 1st times.
Our pondgod design/built this, 6 bed, 6.5 bath dome home
this home has a 15 foot diameter Lily pond in front and a 6 foot diameter fountain within the 27 foot tall atrium. pondgods 1st house build /design from the ground up. he just designed the floor plan not the outside structure but did choose the options as you see them. It was at the time the only dome house in Maryland with the stone veneer. He doesn’t like laying stone like this this was his 1st and last. There are plenty of other guys who can do it faster and better. They really should use Portland cement the not that loose dry stuff and never if there’s water running on it use a dry mix of cement. You will get efflorescence coming out all over the place. efflorescence is that white stuff you see coming out on brick, walls or stonewalls or other masonry due to water removing the salts from the mortar.